Charrúa graves in Sierra del Arbolito? An approach from History and Archeology based on a map of 1834 that locates them in the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

  • Diego Bracco
  • José M. López Mazz
Keywords: graves, Charrúas, archaeoloy, etnohistory


An interdisciplinary investigation was carried out based on an 1834 map indicating Charrua burials. This information has been considered exceptional because there are no other sources with precise data about sites of this nature in reference to the Charrúa nation. The short distance between the site and the place where the events that ended with the Charrúa nation in the new Oriental Republic of Uruguay took place was also considered relevant. Likewise, the short lapse between these events and the creation of the map -1831 and 1834, respectively- was also taken into account. The main results of the investigation included locating the site in the area, identifying its characteristics, as well as identifying patterns and regularities in the surrounding area; additionally, the archaeological information was contrasted with that of the available ethnohistorical sources.


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How to Cite
Bracco, D., & López Mazz, J. M. (2021). Charrúa graves in Sierra del Arbolito? An approach from History and Archeology based on a map of 1834 that locates them in the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 29(2), 148-170.
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