The Return of the Guilds: A Critical Approach

  • Mauro Fazzini
Keywords: Return of the Guilds, New Institutional Economics, Proto-industry


The aim of this paper will be to make a critical analysis of the Return of the Guilds, a new historiographical trend that has been re-examining the economic performance of craft guilds for the last twenty-five years. Drawing on the theoretical framework developed by the New Institutional Economics, this line proposes the guilds as capitalist developers, focusing on their participation in the proto-industry. The core of its argument attributes to guild´s regulations the ability to reduce transaction costs related to the production and circulation of craft goods, suggesting an innovative and significant approach in current historiography. Therefore, our goal will be to make a critical approach to its theoretical basis and main theses.


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How to Cite
Fazzini, M. (2022). The Return of the Guilds: A Critical Approach. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 56(1).