The Hylomorphic Conception of Modern Sovereign State. A Philosophical Approach

  • Griselda Gaiada Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Universidad de la Defensa Nacional
Keywords: State, sovereignty, hylomorphism, jus gentium, jus belli


In this paper, I propose the hypothesis according to which the modern sovereign State responds to a “hylomorphic conception” that prevailed after the Peace of Westphalia (1648) as a consequence of a long process in which the philosophical representations of  the political underwent progressive reformulation. As we will see, the State conceived in this way no longer makes it possible to understand the essence of the political either as a soul capable, in extremis, of altering its territorial expression –or even of maintaining its unity in the diaspora– or as a body that admits a plurality of active or rule principles. Moreover, the “new political entity” forged by baroque philosophy –which is in evident continuity with the tradition that goes back to the Greeks– remains, despite the passage of time, the core of current international law, to such an extent that the fundamental properties that this law attributes to sovereignty are, in my view, the juridical transposition of this hylomorphic composition.


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How to Cite
Gaiada, G. (2023). The Hylomorphic Conception of Modern Sovereign State. A Philosophical Approach. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 57(2).
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