Feminine and Liminal. Amazon Myths in the Anecumene: Iberia and the Northern Pontus

  • Arturo Sanchez Sanz Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Amazons, liminal, Iberia, Pontus, Vase Painting


Attic ceramics soon became one of the main export products destined to boost the Mediterranean trade networks established since the Mycenaean Period. The increase in competition in traditional markets and the search for resources led to the first exploratory voyages beyond the known world, and the testimonies of these adventurers very soon made it possible to open new markets in places that, until then, only existed in the mythical tradition. In these lines we will try to compare the interest in this type of pieces shown by cultures considered by the Hellenes as liminal, settled at both ends of the ecumene, in the special case of pieces with Amazonian decoration. Considered as foreign, barbaric societies, without contact between them and that, despite their differences,  a similar interest in these prestigious assets. Both opposite worlds occupied a common place in the Hellenic collective imagination, and that meeting space can also be traced in terms of the perception of art, of a conscious interest beyond the purely material, which is intricate with their traditions and conception of the world.


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How to Cite
Sanchez Sanz, A. (2024). Feminine and Liminal. Amazon Myths in the Anecumene: Iberia and the Northern Pontus. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 58(1). https://doi.org/10.34096/ahamm.v1.58.14910