Biblical exegesis in Byzantium in the 10th century: fragments of a discussion on the theological orthodoxy

  • Pablo Ubierna
Keywords: Byzantium, exegesis, apocalyptic, political theology


This article deals with a hitherto unedited exegetical Work of Basil of Neopatras, a 10th Century byzantine Bishop. The Text focuses on the Commentary of Daniel where Basil stresses the ties between the Emperor and Christ, both acting as Co-Rulers of the Christian Empire. The article also points to the possible links with the Works of both Aretas of Caesarea and Leo Choirosphaktes who opposed each other on matters of theological Orthodoxy.


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How to Cite
Ubierna, P. (1). Biblical exegesis in Byzantium in the 10th century: fragments of a discussion on the theological orthodoxy. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 48, 79-88.
Dossier. Diferencia, contestación, herejía.