"Jealous" and plunderers landless peasants: a socioeconomic analysis of free men who participated in the servile wars of the Roman Republic

  • Fernando Piantanida
Keywords: servile wars, rebel slaves, dispossessed freeman, participation, plundering


The freeman participation in the great slave revolts of the Roman Republic is a complex problem in relation with the poor and inaccurate information that we have to their study. We propose in the present work, for one hand, to define in socio economic terms to those freeman, on the other hand, to inquire about the causality of their participation in the servile wars, which are related to the development of slavery and the concomitant raise that occurs in the wealth gap in the inside of the freemen from the II century B.C. 


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How to Cite
Piantanida, F. (1). "Jealous" and plunderers landless peasants: a socioeconomic analysis of free men who participated in the servile wars of the Roman Republic. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 50, 21-35. https://doi.org/10.34096/ahamm.v50.3342
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