Albertus of Colunya. Fermans in the city of Valencia around the middle of the 15th century

  • Joaquín Aparici Martí Universitat Jaume I (España)
Keywords: Valencia, XV Century, inmigration, Germans, manufacture of leather


Over the 15th century the city of Valencia was shaped as a very important emporium that drew business, capitals, goods and some people too. Valencia became a great cosmopolitan centre where merchants and artisans from all the European continent could carry out their works. To the Italians who were majority, we add now all the data collection about Germans researched in the first half on the 15th century, a period less know bibliograficly. Trough the use of the prosopografich method ant the search of defining social profiles, we show as an example of result investigation the case of Albertus of Colunya, a shoemaker. 


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How to Cite
Aparici Martí, J. (2018). Albertus of Colunya. Fermans in the city of Valencia around the middle of the 15th century. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 52, 179-199.