Religious Identity and Political Authority in the Martyrdom of Zebina (BHO 531, BHG 942): Circulation and Adaptation of Polemical Motives between Byzantium and Sasanian Persia

  • Hector Francisco Universidad de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina)
Keywords: Martyrdom, Christianity, Late Antiquity, Sasanian Empire, Byzantium


This article analyses the process of translation and transmission of East Syrian martyr literature in the Eastern Roman Empire between V and VII centuries. The contexts in which these translations were produced, and their condition of circulation and reception are still insufficiently known. In order to shed light on this process, we will focus our analysis in one specific text, The Martyrdom of Zebinas and his companions, in order to explore the transmission of hagiographical topoi related to the Christian conception of royal authority, and the limits to the obedience due to pagan rulers. Our hypothesis is that the East-Syrian martyr stories that circulated in Byzantium underwent a complex process of adjustment that involved a wide range of strategies.


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How to Cite
Francisco, H. (2020). Religious Identity and Political Authority in the Martyrdom of Zebina (BHO 531, BHG 942): Circulation and Adaptation of Polemical Motives between Byzantium and Sasanian Persia. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 53, 53-67.