Use and Abuse of Religion in the Political Geostrategy of Cleomenes I

  • Javier Jara Herrero Universidad de Salamanca (España)
Keywords: Sparta, Cleómenes I, Delphi, Oracles, Athens


The reign of Cleomenes I has traditionally been considered as the starting point of Sparta's expansionist policy beyond the borders of the Peloponnese. To accomplish his objectives, the dyarch made a boldly use of religion, exploiting especially the prophecies issued by the Delphic oracle. Events like the failed campaigns against Athens, the attack on Argos, or the political intrigues Cleomenes I promoted were all conveniently supported by mystical justifications. Equally admired and reviled by modern historiography, Cleomenes I is a turbulent figure in the history of Sparta whose death is surrounded by mystery. Using a number of ancient sources, among which Herodotus of Halicarnassus stands out, this paper will analyse to what extent this controversial figure made use of religion, the reasons that motivated the aggressive Spartan policy (noticeable since late VI to early V century BC), as well as the tactics employed by the king in order to prevail over political adversaries within the Spartan ruling class.


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How to Cite
Jara Herrero, J. (2020). Use and Abuse of Religion in the Political Geostrategy of Cleomenes I. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 53, 7-19.