Characters of tyranny in Plutarch’s lives of Dion and Timoleon

  • María José Leorza Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina)
Keywords: Tiranny, Representations, Characters, Biography, Plutarch


This paper has a dual aim: on the one hand, to analyze the representation of the tyranny (tyrannís, Dio. 12) and the tyrant (týrannos, Dio. 5 and Tim. 4) portrayed and created by Plutarch of Chaeronea (c. 45 AD- c. 125 AD) in the biographies of Dion and Timoleon. On the other hand, it seeks to analyze the character(s) of the tyranny that can be identified in the cited bíoi. Regarding this last issue, a number of archaic and classical Greek historiographical depictions of the tyranny and the tyrant will be taken into consideration as part of the conceptual framework. They will contribute to the study of the representations of the tyrant present in these bíoi, written during the High Imperial period in the 4th century BC.


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How to Cite
Leorza, M. J. (2021). Characters of tyranny in Plutarch’s lives of Dion and Timoleon. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 55(1).