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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or PDF format (if it contains special symbols).
  • The text is spaced one and a half spacing, a font size of 12 points, italics is used instead of underlining (except in URL addresses), and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Author Guidelines, in About the journal.

Author Guidelines

Contributions must be original and must be submitted in digital format (Word, or PDF if they contain special symbols). They will be sent to the magazine box ( revistafilologia@gmail.com ) .

The maximum length of the article will be 8,000 words and the minimum 5,000, including bibliographical references.


Personal information

The personal data of the author must be registered on the first page of the document, separated from the work, it will include:

Full name and surname of the author.

Institutional affiliation (without acronyms).


In order to guarantee confidentiality in the review process, it is important that authors avoid giving information in their works that identifies them; in the case of having to cite their own works, they should try to do so in the third person.


Page design

A4 page , vertical orientation, with a width of 21 cm and a height of 29.7 cm.

The left, right, top and bottom margins will be 2.5 cm.

Font: Palatino Lynotipe , size 12, spacing 1.5.


preliminary information

Title (in bold, aligned to the left).

Abstract of up to 200 words (justified), followed by a list with five keywords (in lowercase, separated by a semicolon, and with a period at the end).

Next, the title translated into English (in bold and italics, left-aligned), as well as the translation of the abstract and keywords will be placed under the Abstract and Keywords headings .


Text body

The subtitles must be numbered correlatively and without bold, respecting upper and lower case. Before and after each of them, a blank line will be left.

Textual citations of less than three lines will go in the body of the text between double quotes. The longer ones will be placed in a separate paragraph, indented, without quotation marks, separated from the main text with a blank line before and after. In this case, the font size of 12 points, spacing 1.5, will be maintained. It will not be indicated with ellipses that the text comes from a longer passage. On the other hand, the three points framed by square brackets will be entered to indicate the omission of text: […].

Footnotes must be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals always placed after the punctuation mark. The font size will be 10 points and single spacing. They will not be used for bibliographic references. Remember that in the final layout the notes will be located on the side of the page and not below.

To cite authors within the text, the system must be followed: Saussure (1945: 88), or (Saussure, 1945: 88), as appropriate.

To emphasize words and phrases, or words in a foreign language, the use of italics is preferred; Do not use bold or quotes.

If graphics, figures or tables are included, they must be numbered correlatively.

The examples must be numbered correlatively. The translation of the examples must be enclosed in single quotes.


cited bibliography

The bibliographical references are listed at the end of the article under the subheading of "Bibliography cited". They will be displayed in alphabetical order, according to the following examples:


Last name of the author, initial of the name (year). Book title . City: publisher.

Saussure, F. de (1945). Curso de lingüística general. Buenos Aires: Losada.

In the case of a reissue, in addition to the year of printing in parentheses, the year of the first edition can be added in brackets. If the author considers it relevant, the name of the translator can be added at the end.

Chapter of the book

Author's last name, first name initial (year). “Chapter title”. In: Author's last name, first name initial (ed./ comp. / etc.), Title of the book . City: editorial, initial page-final page.

Leonardo, C. (1991). “Baudovinia la biógrafa”. En: Bertini, F. (ed.), La mujer medieval. Madrid: Alianza, 63-73.

Magazine Articles

Author's last name, first name initial (year). "Article title". Name of the publication , volume, initial page-final page.

Ruano de la Haza, J. (1983). “Hacia una nueva definición de la tragedia calderoniana”. Bulletin of the Comediantes, XXXV, 165-180.

electronic resources

Add to the previous rules: URL and date of access.

Use scheme: In: URL; got the dd /mm/ yyyy .

Edwards, R. (2003). Divus Augustus Father : Tiberius and the Charisma of Augustus . At: https:// scholarsworks.iu.edu ; obtained on 09/23/2013.

Edmunds, L. (2011). “Isocrates’ Encomium of Helen and the Cult of Helen and Menelaus at Therapne”. Electronic Antiquity, 14.2. At: http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ElAnt/V14N2; obtained on 03/15/2013.


Review Submission Rules

The maximum length of the reviews will be 2500 words.

The following information about the reviewed work will be included: full title, name of the author or editor/compiler, year, place of publication, publisher, number of pages, ISBN.


Introducción a la sintaxis del español. José Camacho (2018). New York, Cambridge University Press, 445 pages. ISBN 9781107192195.

The body of the text must be written in Palatino Lynotipe , size 12, spacing 1.5.

It is suggested that reviews do not have footnotes.

In the case of essential bibliographical references, it is requested to follow the same rules of the articles.