The Mystical Tradition in St. John of the Cross' Ascent of Mount Carmel

  • Victoria Cirlot
Keywords: mountain; ascent; descent; darkness; night; nothingness.


The article presents a commentary on the work of St. John of the Cross focused on the symbolism of the mountain. The drawing of the Montecillo in autographic copy will be the starting point of the study that explores the mystical tradition lying behind it: from the Pseudo-Dionysius to the 12th century visionary Hildegard von Bingen and her contemporary, the philosopher Richard of St. Victor. The question on the relationship between the negative theology of Pseudo-Dionysius and the work of St. John is determined by the approach of the great scholar of Gnosticism Henri-Charles Puech. The medieval mystical tradition and the role of images in the inner experience will be addressed from the perspective of studies such as those of Jeffrey F. Hamburger.


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How to Cite
Cirlot, V. (2023). The Mystical Tradition in St. John of the Cross’ Ascent of Mount Carmel. Filología, (55).
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