Ideological and perceptive matrices of poverty in the Guzmán de Alfarache: relationships with Spanish treaties on poor relief in XVI century
Guzmán de Alfarache, Poverty, Treatise on poor relief, XVI century, Mateo Alemán, Cristóbal Pérez de Herrera
Based on some core ideas proposed by Alemán in his letter to Herrera and certain lines in the sixteenth century treatise on poverty, The Guzmán de Alfarache outlines a complex narrative structure tied to the symbology of pauperism. The author himself points out that the concept construction of poverty in his work is mainly a negative one, considering the majority of the poor as false ones. On the other hand, while reflecting the underlying ideological contradiction, Alemán allows diverse and unprecedented poverty characterizations that enable a deep reflection on the living conditions of beggars.Downloads
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How to Cite
Cabado, J. M. (2017). Ideological and perceptive matrices of poverty in the Guzmán de Alfarache: relationships with Spanish treaties on poor relief in XVI century. Filología, (49), 31-43. Retrieved from