Male bodies and concealment of the homosexuated being in the Guzmán de Alfarache: an analysis of the union and separation of Guzmán and Sayavedra

  • Paula Irupé Salmoiraghi
Keywords: Guzmán de Alfarache, bodies, desire, double


The case of the encounter and separation of Guzmán and Sayavedra encompasses all the Book II of the Second part of the alemaniana novel to fulfill with the elimination of the Nemo or the dark part of the european, western and christian male subject (Forcione, 1985-86: 564-590). Sayavedra is a character strongly linked to Guzmán’s desire and his identity sought, lost or self-denied, in a way that allows us to read “the tragicity of mutual discovery of an improper and reciprocal desire among men and, at the same time, the urgency of its necessary execration “(Vila, 2016: 141). Finally, when Sayavedra drowns in the sea, all unrestrained desire drowns with him and Guzmán is already purely rational, linguistically manly and explicit, without shadow or double.


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How to Cite
Salmoiraghi, P. I. (2017). Male bodies and concealment of the homosexuated being in the Guzmán de Alfarache: an analysis of the union and separation of Guzmán and Sayavedra. Filología, (49), 67-78. Retrieved from