Historia & Guerra is now included in the prestigious AMELICA index. AmeliCA is a communication infrastructure for scholarly publishing and open science. It is a cooperatively sustained initiative focused on the non-profit publishing model to preserve the scholarly and open nature of scientific communication. AmeliCA emerged as Open Knowledge for Latin America and the Global South, however, in August 2019 and in the face of a regional context in which platforms, national science councils, academic institutions and part of the academic community devalue local publishing by aligning to the strategies of commercial publishers; and in an international context where initiatives such as Plan S define open science as the way forward, AmeliCA and Redalyc join forces to strengthen the non-profit publishing model to preserve the academic and open nature of scientific communication (also known as the diamond model), beyond the Global South. This effort, born in the South and for the South, is open to all journals around the world that work for an inclusive, equitable and sustainable science communication ecosystem.