The anti-fascist militias of Catalonia: An approach to the problem of armaments and the financial question

Keywords: anti-fascist militias, Civil war, columns, militiamen, volunteerss


The article analyses Catalonia’s financial and military conditions during the months after the victory over the military rebels in Barcelona, in the context of the expansion and consolidation of the Spanish Civil War. It addresses the financial capacity of the Catalan institutions to sustain the war effort and provides quantitative data about the total number of organized troops. It also offers an approximation to the condition and quality of the weapons available and acquiring or manufacturing the equipment and materials to organize an effective armed response to the rebel Army.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo Berger Mulattieri, Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Grupo Nexus-UPF, España
Gonzalo Berger Mulattieri is a University Professor (TC-UPF and UOC) and a member of the Nexus-UPF research group. He published his doctoral thesis under the title Las miliciasantifascistas de Cataluña. Voluntarios por la libertad (2018). Author of several books, articles and monographs, he specializes in the Spanish Civil War and the phenomenon of volunteering in contemporary European conflicts. He is principal researcher in the projects“Las Milicias antifascistas de Cataluña” (Archivo Nacional de Cataluña) and “Mujeres en guerra: vida y legado de las mujeres combatientes en la Guerra Civil Española” (P06420 - Memoria Democrática-120-MD-2020) and co-directorof the project “Espacios de la Batalla de Mallorca”.Recently he wascoordinatorof the project “Museo Virtual de la Mujer Combatiente” (Ministerio de la Presidencia y Memoria Democrática), curatorof the exhibition “No pasarán. 16 días, Madrid 1936” (Ayto. de Madrid) and screenwriterof the documentaries “Milicianas” (TV3) and “Las Sinsombrero 3. Las exiliadas” (RTVE).


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How to Cite
Berger Mulattieri, G. (2021). The anti-fascist militias of Catalonia: An approach to the problem of armaments and the financial question. Historia & Guerra, (1), 89-109.