The German secret services in Argentina during the Cold War: Scope, limitations, and connections with the local services

Keywords: Cold War, MfS, SIDE, BND, Germany-Argentine relationships, RDA, RFA, GDR, FRG


During the Cold War, the Argentine secret services maintained connections with their colleagues in West Germany. The common denominator of their activities was anticommunism, and their interests, although different, often converged on joint actions, which, on the one hand, sought to combat any attempt by the East German intelligence service to establish itself in Argentina, on the other hand, they also aimed at hindering trade relations between Argentina and East Germany. Moreover, the Argentines tried to strengthen their role as an internal political actor. 1962 was a year of intense intelligence activity in Argentine territory, both for the national as well for the German intelligence services. The discovery of an alleged espionage network, the dawn raid of GDR ships into the port of Rosario and the closure of the GDR Trade Mission in Buenos Aires had more to do with political manoeuvring and propaganda than with a real danger of Communist infiltration in Argentina.


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Author Biography

Víctor Manuel Lafuente, Universität zu Köln, Alemania
Víctor Manuel Lafuente studied History at the University of Buenos Aires, and obtained a BA (Magister Artium) in Modern and Contemporary History and a BA (Bachelor of Arts) in Philosophy and Political Science at the Humboldt University of Berlin. He received his PhD in History from the University of Cologne with a dissertation on the relations between Argentina and East Germany. He has taught at several German universities. He is currently a lecturer at the Institute of Romanistics at the University of Rostock. His field of research is the history of international relations from the First World War to nowadays, particularly in the context of the Cold War.


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How to Cite
Lafuente, V. M. (2022). The German secret services in Argentina during the Cold War: Scope, limitations, and connections with the local services. Historia & Guerra, (3), 169-191.