La The “Crónica extranjera” in La Ilustración of Guayaquil: Ecuadorian intellectual’s drastic arguments towards the Great War

Keywords: Ecuador, First World War, Cultural magazines, Aliadophilism, Representations


            Analysing the articles “Crónica extranjera”, written by Pablo Hannibal Vela in the magazine La Ilustración, published in Guayaquil from 1917, this article offers to study the representative and singular aspects of this Ecuadorian intellectual’s opinion in comparison with the other opinion articles circulating in Ecuador and Latin America during the Great War. The thematics broached by Vela are usually tackled by the intellectuals talking about the conflict. Nevertheless, Vela’s tone and arguments are rather radical. Through his vision of Germany, his way of describing and interpreting the war, and his thoughts regarding its consequences on a national scale as well as on a continental scale, Pablo Hannibal Vela’s articles are original sources which lead to thinking about the different perceptions of the conflict within the Latin-American elites.


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Author Biography

Elodie Lenoël, CREDA - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Francia
Elodie Lenoël holds a Master’s degree in Latin American Studies with a specialisation in History from the Institut des Hautes Études de l’Amérique Latine (IHEAL, Sorbonne Nouvelle). She is a doctoral candidate in History at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University (IHEAL - CREDA), France. Her research focuses on Ecuador and the First World War. She is a member of the group of young researchers Une Plus Grande Guerre.


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How to Cite
Lenoël, E. (2022). La The “Crónica extranjera” in La Ilustración of Guayaquil: Ecuadorian intellectual’s drastic arguments towards the Great War. Historia & Guerra, (3), 98-121.