Images of War in the Portuguese XXth Century. Introduction

  • Teresa Nunes Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Portugal, First World War, Cold War, Revolutionary war, Diplomats, Church, Postwar


The dossier Images of War in the Portuguese Twentieth Century intends to correspond to transversal analytical postulates and to make a comprehensive approach to the belligerent phenomenon in the Portuguese national context. Assuming a polyhedral structuring dimension and considering the temporality between the advent of the Great War and the outbreak of the war confrontation in the colonial space, this set of studies provides a close interaction between different aspects of observation on the war and/or its repercussions. Rather than focusing on the immediate visions of war conflicts, especially those produced by the primary agents of the military structure, the dossier emphasizes different parameters for understanding the phenomenon.


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How to Cite
Nunes, T. (2023). Images of War in the Portuguese XXth Century. Introduction. Historia & Guerra, (4), 3-7.