Junta Geopolitics 1979: Argentina’s Cóndor Building Archive and Central America’s Dirty War

Keywords: Geopolitics, Contrainsurgency, Nicaragua, Argentina, Revolution


In 1979, Argentina’s military Junta deployed counterinsurgency experts, known as “dirty warriors” for their inhumane methods, to Central America in “Operation Charly.” Their mission was to confront guerrilla factions emerging regionally after the Nicaraguan Revolution. During hostilities that raged into the 1990s, right-wing “death squads” murdered hundreds of thousands of people. Scholars have demonstrated that the US Government, the CIA, and its Special Forces bear much responsibility. Due to departing the conflict earlier, the Argentine role is often treated as a footnote, a trifle compared to US involvement. This article counters that, despite redeploying upon the Junta’s 1983 collapse, Argentine "dirty warriors" significantly shaped the violence Central America experienced. It further argues that deliberate geopolitical analysis and ambition prompted the Junta’s decision to deploy these figures. To support these arguments, it combines existing evidence with recently recovered classified Junta documents.


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Author Biography

Robert D. Koch, Investigador independiente
Robert D. Koch is an independent scholar based in Lisbon (Portugal) and holds a PhD in history from the University of South Florida (USA), where he has taught and lectured. Before beginning his career as a historian in 2020, he served as an airborne infantry officer in the U.S. Army between 2002 and 2006, including combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan focused on counterinsurgency.His first monograph, Juan Perón's Anti-imperialist Geopolitics: A New Order for the Cold War World, will be published in October 2024 in London by Bloomsbury Academic.  


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How to Cite
Koch, R. D. (2024). Junta Geopolitics 1979: Argentina’s Cóndor Building Archive and Central America’s Dirty War. Historia & Guerra, (6), 45-69. https://doi.org/10.34096/hyg.n6.14523
Dossier Trazando los límites: la historia y el uso de la geopolítica