Raúl Bazán Dávila, diplomat and nationalist. His thesis on the Kingdom of Chile, limits and Argentina

Keywords: Nationalism, War, Geopolitics, Development, Military intellectuality


Raul Bazán Dávila (1913-2007) was a public figure, but from specialized cenacles, represented a type of intellectual and diplomat who represented the maximalist theses about the Kingdom of Chile, and who polemicized with Argentine and Bolivian authors. His political beginnings had been in the nationalist magazine Estanquero, along with Jorge Prat Echaurren, Jorge Berguño and Mario Barros van Buren. He was ambassador to Brazil and later specialized in maritime issues. Defender of the Pinochet’s regime, he was an early defender of it, although in 1976 he retired. Since then, he worked as a public intellectual around nationalist perspectives that led him, an unprecedented gesture, to the Chilean Foreign Ministry regarding the exit proposed by the pontifical mediation with Argentina in 1984.


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Author Biography

Cristian Eduardo Garay Vera, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Cristian Eduardo Garay Vera holds a PhD in American Studies from the University of Santiago de Chile and PhD in Geography and History from UNED, Madrid. B.A. and M.A. in History from the University of Chile. Full Professor at the Institute of Advanced Studies - University of Santiago de Chile.


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How to Cite
Garay Vera, C. E. (2024). Raúl Bazán Dávila, diplomat and nationalist. His thesis on the Kingdom of Chile, limits and Argentina. Historia & Guerra, (6), 27-44. https://doi.org/10.34096/hyg.n6.14524
Dossier Trazando los límites: la historia y el uso de la geopolítica