Listening and Interpretation: A Peircean Semiotic Model for the Analysis of Listening

  • Juan Pablo Llobet Vallejos
Keywords: Listening, semiotics, interpretant, listening modes


In this article I propose an analysis of listening modes anchored in the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce and I evaluate the commensurability of this model with two recent approaches to the same problem (Santaella, 2017; Tuuri and Eerola, 2012). The operational model of the semiotic nonagon (Guerri et al., 2016; Guerri, 2020) allows me to describe nine modes of listening and explain their logical relationships in the form of a diagram. The model is adopted here from a personal approach, in which I propose to incorporate Peirce's late developments on his notion of the interpretant and the universes of existence (Jappy, 2017). The diagrammatic character of the semiotic nonagon emphasizes the processual aspect of semiosis, avoiding the static character of taxonomic proposals. The resulting listening model has been used for the analysis of artistic productions in university teaching contexts (Llobet Vallejos et al., 2021) and for the development of curatorial proposals that are based on the artistic appropriation of archive materials (Álvarez et al., 2021). At the same time, my personal approach to the semiotic nonagon suggests new theoretical lines of research on the applications of this methodology and on its bases on Peircean semiotics.


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How to Cite
Llobet Vallejos, J. P. (2023). Listening and Interpretation: A Peircean Semiotic Model for the Analysis of Listening. El oído Pensante, 11(2).