Virginia Manzano c. e. virginiamanzan@gmail.com

The editor-in-charge / director is the representative and legally responsible for the journal, coordinates and ensures the functioning of the organizational structure. He/she proposes changes in its structure and the modification of its scientific committee, editorial committee and the team of associate/executive editors, with the objective of maintaining and improving the quality of the editorial processes and contents of the journal. Suggests and coordinates the definition of editorial policies and approaches to be adopted by the journal, is responsible for the management/administration of resources and funds for the proper functioning of the journal, and mediates in any conflict that may arise involving the journal with reviewers, authors, editors, readers and/or the peer community in general.


Cristina Dejean, Universidad de Buenos Aires, c. e. antbiol@gmail.com
Ana María Dupey, Universidad de Buenos Aires, c. e. anamdupey@gmail.com
Pablo Wright, Universidad de Buenos Aires, c. e. pwright@filo.uba.ar
Ana Padawer, Universidad de Buenos Aires, c. e. apadawer66@gmail.com
Flora Losada, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, c. e. floralosada@yahoo.com
Marta Maffia, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, c. e. mmaffia@museo.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Cristina López, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, c. e. cristina.lopez.clio@gmail.com
Lidia Schiavoni, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, c. e. lischia05@yahoo.com
Cristina Bloj, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, c. e. cbloj@fhumyar.unr.edu.ar
Ana Ramos, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, c. e. aramosam@gmail.com

This committee consists of researchers and academics with recognized expertise, with 75% coming from outside the publishing institution. Committee terms are four years in length and are renewed in halves. Its responsibility is to establish and enforce editorial policies and approaches for the journal. The committee's role is to ensure that all received articles meet these guidelines and standards. The editorial committee serves as the initial reviewer of all submissions, ensuring their originality and unpublished status, as well as their thematic relevance and quality of writing. If disputes arise during the evaluation process, the committee is responsible for making a final decision on whether a third referee's opinion is necessary.


Richard Bauman, Indiana University, EEUU, c. e. bauman@indiana.edu
Miguel Alberto Bartolomé, Instituto Nacional de Antropoloía e Historia, México, c. e. barbar2@prodigy.net.mx
Charles Leslie Briggs, University of California, EEUU, c. e. clbriggs@calmail.berkeley.edu
Darío Demarchi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, c. e. demarchi@ffyh.unc.edu.ar
Diarmuid Ó Giolláin, University College Cork, Irlanda, c. e. jgillan@nd.edu
Gastón Gordillo, British Columbia, Canadá, c. e. gordillo@mail.ubc.ca
Didier Fassin, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Francia, c. e. dfassin@ias.edu
Carlos Fausto, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, c. e. cfausto63@gmail.com
Frank Salomon, Wisconsin University, EEUU, c. e. fsalomon@wisc.edu
Mónica Sans, Universidad de la República, Uruguay, c. e. msans@fhuce.edu.uy

The academic committee is composed of national and international researchers and academics of recognized trajectory in the thematic areas of the journal. Its function is to permanently evaluate the quality of the published content and to advise on the updating of its guidelines and policies in order to improve the journal; it is the task of this committee to disseminate and promote the journal in the academic environments in which it participates. To suggest collaborations and/or the publication of debates or specific topics.


Eugenia Morey (Coordinación), c. e. mumimorey@gmail.com

Agustina Altman, Universidad de Buenos Aires, c. e. agustina.altman@gmail.com
Carolina Ciordia, Universidad de Buenos Aires, c.e. carolinaciordia@yahoo.com.ar
Victoria Gessaghi, Universidad de Buenos Aires, c. e. victoriagessaghi@gmail.com
Bárbara Martínez, Universidad de Buenos Aires, c. e. barbarabmartinez@yahoo.com.ar
Soledad Laborde, Universidad de Buenos Aires, c.e. soledad.laborde@gmail.com
Virginia Ramallo, Instituto Patagónico de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, CONICET-CENPAT, c. e. virginia.ramallo@gmail.com

The team of associate/executive editors is made up of researchers and academics from inside and outside the institution. This committee is also renewed every four years in halves. It has a general coordinator who organizes and distributes the processes and responsibilities of each member.
The task of this team is to manage the contributions received, collaborate with the Editorial Committee in the selection of reviewers, in the communication with them and the authors, verify that the contributions are in accordance with the format and norms established in the journal.
To collaborate with the Editorial Committee in the detection of possible situations of plagiarism, conflicts of interest and/or ethical issues.to ensure compliance with the editorial steps and process, such as requesting the pertinent declarations from the authors and evaluators, compliance with the deadlines, etc.to manage and enforce compliance with the deadlines established for each process.


Marcelo Pautasso (Coordinación de la producción editorial) c. e. ica.ediciones@gmail.com

Milena Sesar (Corrección de estilo)
Ramiro Fernández Unsain (Corrección de estilo idioma portugues)
Mercedes Pico (corrección de estilo idiomas inglés)

It is the task of the editorial production team to organize and supervise the technical and editorial processes for the publication of the journal. Coordinate and assist those involved in the editorial management processes and in the final versions of the articles. Produce the issue/volume assembly and publish it.
Coordinate and produce the technical processes of diagramming and layout, style correction, creation of the different output formats of the journal, etc.
Coordinate the processes of printing, putting the journal online and indexing.


(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires)

Virginia Manzano

Secretario Académico
Alejandro Otamendi