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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Authors who publish in this journal accept the following conditions:

    Authors retain copyright and assign to the Journal the right of first publication, under Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0 international), which allows third parties to use what is published provided that proper acknowledgement is given, authorship of the work and first publication in this Journal is mentioned.

    Authors may make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this Journal (e.g., including it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book) as long as they clearly indicate that the work was published for the first time in this Journal.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in the Author Guidelines in About the Journal.
  • The text is written on the template offered by Runa here according to the instructions that you can see in this pdf and/or in a file that maintains the structure of that template, and all illustrations, figures and tables are uploaded as supplementary files and with the corresponding additional file with the correct marking of their location, their title and epigraphs.
    The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • In the case of submitting the text to the peer review section, follow the instructions included in Securing an anonymous review.

Author Guidelines

Papers must be uploaded to the journal's website through the system in order to be considered for publication. If you have not yet done so, you must register by entering the following address: (http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/runa/user/register). Once registered, you may then complete the form by checking the "author" box at the end of the form.

Once registered, the author must log in with their username and password and upload their contribution from their personal area in the appropriate format. To do so, click on "New Submission" and follow the steps as indicated on the site. The file must be uploaded in the language in which it is written. Please complete correctly all the metadata (title and subtitle, abstracts and keywords) in the three languages requested. It should be noted that keywords must be entered individually.

The Editorial Committee will, in all cases, verify that the articles submitted comply with the objectives and editorial guidelines of the journal, the proposal of the issue, and the current publication rules.

Papers that do not comply with the established guidelines and standards of the journal will not be considered for evaluation. The publication of papers will be subject to a process of external evaluation by the Editorial Committee and double-blind peers, ensuring the anonymity of authors and evaluators.

The format for papers to be submitted is as follows:

The submission must be in A4 format, with a minimum margin of 2.5 cm on all sides, double spaced, and in Times New Roman 12 pt. font. It is particularly recommended that the "articles" template provided by the journal be used for this purpose (downloadable here and see the instructions here). This template defines specific formats and styles for titles, subtitles, quotations, and other elements. It is recommended that the character and paragraph styles defined in the template be applied when using this template.

The maximum length for articles is 8,500 words, including notes, acknowledgements, and bibliography.

Book reviews should not exceed 1,100 words, including the title and notes.

The first part of the document to be sent (cover page) should contain the title of the article in bold and centered. If it has a subtitle, it should be below the main title, also centered. The title and subtitle together should have a maximum of 20 words or 130 characters with spaces.

It is imperative that footnotes are not placed in the main title and/or subtitle, as these will be lost in the indexing process.

The author(s) should be identified in the left margin, below the titles, without indentation. The next line should contain the author's institutional affiliation, which should be provided in accordance with the institution's own regulations. Only those institutions from which the work arises or has been financed should be included. The city and country should then be provided. The digital identifier ORCID or other, and the author's email address should be included below the institutional affiliation.

- First Name Main Surname (First Name Last Name Main Surname in case of double surname)
- Institution, City, Country

- (Digital Identifier)

- E-mail address

It is requested to take into account the concordance with the metadata uploaded in your identification record.

Runa is an Open Access publication and echoes Law No. 26,899 on the Creation of Institutional Digital Repositories and its regulations, and therefore requests national authors to respect the following article of said law:

Article 4.5: Acknowledgement to institutions and agencies In each publication, the institutional affiliation should be declared in a standardized form, as indicated by the institutions and agencies, preferably the parts of the hierarchy should be listed from highest to lowest, in its developed form and separated with a period followed by a space. In case of having multiple affiliations, each of them shall be indicated in separate instances.

In turn, the following legend must be included in the language of the publication: "This document is the result of funding granted by the National State, therefore it is subject to compliance with Law No. 26,899." This legend should mention the name(s) of the agency(ies) that have funded the research project and the minimum data that allow its identification. The following syntax should be used: Funding Agency. Financing Program or Fund. Project Code. The country of the funding agency, the province of the funding agency, and the name of the project should be included on the cover page.

Acknowledgements and funding data, if any, should also be included on this page. If the article is accepted, the journal will place them where appropriate in the layout process.

Finally, a brief biographical sketch (no more than fifty words) of the author(s) should be included. This should describe the last degree obtained, other institutions and/or dedications that should be mentioned.

In the second part of the file (separated by a page break), the title should begin anew, centered and in bold typeface. The cover page, which should be provided in the original language of the article and its corresponding translations into English and Portuguese or spain, as well as the abstracts, should also be included. No reference to the authors should be included on this page.

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the anonymity of their authorship in the body text of the article and in the bibliographical references. In these instances, the authors' name(s) and/or authorship should be replaced with "author" in the bibliographical references. It is recommended to use a neutral wording in the body of the article in those paragraphs that make references to the author(s), as this will help to avoid any information that might make the identification of the author(s) possible.

Abstracts should not exceed 150 words and should be presented in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. The formality of the standards for abstracts of scientific articles should be respected and maintained, and it is recommended that the abstract consist of only one paragraph. It is not appropriate to include footnotes or bibliographical references in the abstracts; they should be avoided since in the indexing process, abstracts are separated from the main body of the text, losing such references.

Five (5) keywords should be sent under each abstract, according to the language of the abstract (Spanish, English, Portuguese). They should be written in upper/lower case and separated by a semicolon. For example: Keywords: Mapuche people; Development policy; Poverty; Stigma; Neuquén.

Runa adopts the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition as the formal and standardized basis for citations and references. Below is a brief description of some basic generalities related to the most common citations and references. However, if in doubt about the correct form of citation in a particular case, it is recommended to consult one of the basic official manuals used by various universities and/or publishers that adopt this standard, or otherwise you can do so directly on the APA Style website.

Footnotes. Footnotes should be used as sparingly as possible, only to provide essential and specific information that cannot be included in the main text. They should not be used in the main title and subtitle of the article, nor in abstracts, as they will be lost in indexing. They should not be used in the bibliography (reference in the body of the text and then in the bibliography). Footnotes should be inserted using the appropriate command in the word processor. If the footnote number is at the end of a sentence or next to a punctuation mark, it should always be placed after the punctuation mark.

Images. Images or graphic figures (tables, charts, maps, graphs, diagrams, photographs, and illustrations) that are part of the text should be presented as follows:

Image files. They must be uploaded separately from the main article in a graphic file format such as .jpg, .tiff, or SGV, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. To upload them, use the "Upload Additional Files" feature in the submission area of the OJS platform.

A text file (doc, odt or rtf) should also be attached, in which the images should be included and described (with a clear nomenclature such as Figure 1, Figure 2..., Table 1, Table 2...), indicating their position in the main text and the headings corresponding to each one. All these supplementary files can also be sent to the journal's e-mail address: runa.revista@gmail.com.

Relationship between text and graphics. All graphic elements appearing in the text must be correctly identified by numbering and caption. They must be cited or referenced in the text in a coherent and contextual manner. Numbering should be consecutive and in order of appearance, with Arabic numerals between brackets and in lower case: example (Figure 1).

The titles of graphic elements should begin with the type and number of the graphic element in italics or a period followed by the title or name (e.g. Figure 1. Representative photo...).


Forms of citation

Runa assumes the citation form "Bibliographical References", i.e. only the bibliography or citation of works and texts used in the manuscript should be cited. They must be correctly cited in the body of the manuscript and their full reference given in the "Bibliographical References" section.

Citation format should follow APA 6th edition. References in the body should be given in parentheses with author and year (or year only) in the following order: The author's last name followed by a comma (,) and the year of the edition used. If the quotation is textual, the year of the edition is followed by another comma (,), then the abbreviation of the page(s) (p. or pp.), and, separated by a space, the page number(s) on which the quotation is found. For example: (García Canclini, 1992, p. 45). If more than one reference is cited, they should be listed in chronological order by year of publication, from the oldest to the most recent, separated by a semicolon (;). If the references are to the same author, he/she should be named only once and the years should be separated by a comma. For example: (García Canclini, 1992, 1995).

In the event that an author has produced several works in the same year, it is necessary to differentiate between them by adding a lowercase letter after the year.

It is not appropriate to use expressions such as op. cit., ibidem or idem when referencing a text in the body of the manuscript; instead, the reference should be repeated.

In the event that a work is cited with only two authors, both names should be included each time they appear, with the connector "and" (e.g., Fonseca and Cardarello, 2005). In the event that a citation comprises between three and five authors, all authors are cited on the initial appearance. Subsequent citations will include only the last name of the first author, followed by the abbreviation "et al." If the citation corresponds to a text with six or more authors, only the first author, followed by "et al.," will be cited on the initial appearance and in subsequent citations. This format is consistent with the aforementioned guidelines.

Indirect citations or paraphrasing: In such instances, it is sufficient to include the author and year of the cited work in parentheses.

If the paraphrase is based on the author, the reference should be made at the beginning of the sentence. For example, Salamanca (2010) states that there is consensus to consider the indigenous mobilization of Napalpí, before the massacre, in a multidimensional way that involved economic, political, and social transformations.

In the event that the paraphrase is based on the text, the quote will be placed at the end.

A consensus has emerged among researchers and actors involved in the field to consider that the indigenous mobilization of Napalpí prior to the massacre had a multidimensional character (Salamanca, 2010).

Textual quotations. The textual quotation should be transcribed as it is -with punctuation and spelling- in the original, in case of omitting any word, three dots [...] should there be errors in the original quotation, the author may clarify with [sic] that this is how it is in the original and/or if the error may lead to confusion (for example in dates) he/she may also rectify it in square brackets.

Transcriptions of textual quotations that do not exceed 40 words should be included in the main body of the text between double or English quotation marks (" ") and without italics or bold font, unless in the original quotation there are emphasized words, in which case the italics or single quotation marks (‘ ’) should be used to replace the double quotation marks of the original. The reference (Salamanca, 2010, p. 71) should be placed in parentheses at the end of the quotation. It should be made clear whether the emphasis that appears in the words or phrases is original or made by the author of the article.

If the quotation exceeds 40 words, it should be presented separated from the main body of the text by a paragraph break and with an indentation of 2.54 cm on the left margin, without using italics or quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quotation. Suspensive points should not be used at the beginning or end. With regard to the words or phrases with emphasis that appear in the quotation, the above is maintained, as well as with the suppression of parts of the quotation.

Example quote 1

As Aguier (2013) puts it, it is in the "here and now of the refugee camp where political scenarios are created that do not have 'natural' legitimacy, but that make the humanitarian device or, elsewhere, the security device less questionable" (p. 21, emphasis in the original), so we should consider.…

Example quote 2

In that way it would seem that "anthropological studies tend to establish conclusions that come to be assumed to be correct, such that subsequent studies on those processes and problems tend mostly to confirm what has been established." (Menendez, 2013, pp. 31-32)

Example citation 3

Menendez (2013) states that:

En los últimos años observo que, por lo menos respecto de ciertos procesos y problemas, los estudios antropológicos tienden a establecer conclusiones que pasan a ser asumidas como correctas, de tal manera que los estudios subsiguientes sobre esos procesos y problemas tienden en su mayoría a confirmar lo establecido, generándose una reiteración en los nuevos productos, que sólo agregan algunos matices a los procesos y problemas estudiados. (pp. 31-32)
or in its absence
En los últimos años observo que, por lo menos respecto de ciertos procesos y problemas, los estudios antropológicos tienden a establecer conclusiones que pasan a ser asumidas como correctas, de tal manera que los estudios subsiguientes sobre esos procesos y problemas tienden en su mayoría a confirmar lo establecido, generándose una reiteración en los nuevos productos, que sólo agregan algunos matices a los procesos y problemas estudiados. (Menéndez, 2013, pp. 31-32)
If the quotation corresponds to interviews, records or field notes, they should be identified and correctly contextualized at the end of the quoted paragraph. In the case of interviews, identify and contextualize the interviewee and place of the interview, date of the interview (Initial or fictitious name, Mapuche leader, Mapuche community, Neuquén, February 2014). In the case of field notes or records, reference should be contextualized (Field record, Mapuche community, Neuquén, March 2014).
Use of italics and quotation marks
Bold or underlined text should not be used to highlight texts. When it is necessary to highlight text or words, italics or double and/or single quotation marks may be used. It is requested not to abuse them and to follow a logical criterion commonly accepted by the scientific community. If it is necessary to differentiate, with different types of emphasis, native or theoretical categories or particular concepts, it is highly recommended that the author(s) explain their use at the beginning of the article or by means of a footnote.
Acknowledgements and clarifications
Acknowledgements and financing should be presented on the cover page of the submission. Subsequently, if the article is accepted, the layout will place the acknowledgements at the end of the main body before the Bibliographical References. In them, all those who have contributed in any way to the research and to the result of the manuscript, but who cannot be considered authors, should be mentioned.
It is advisable to clarify and/or identify in a separate paragraph the sources of financing that originated and made the research possible. It is also requested that, if the research has been supported by public funds, it should be described according to Law Nº 26.899, Art. 4.5 if it has not already been clarified elsewhere.
Bibliographic References
Runa assumes for its references the international standard of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition. Bibliographical references should be placed at the end of the article and all authors or works cited in the main body (and vice versa) should be included. Bibliographies that are not cited in the article should not appear.
Each of the references should begin with French indentation and be ordered alphabetically and chronologically (the oldest in first place).
The format of the citations begins with last name of Author/s in upper/lower case, initials of the name/s followed by a dot (several authors separated by comma (,) adding before the last author the connector 'and').
Citation of the same author with publication date in the same year will be ordered alphabetically by the title of the work without taking into account the initial articles of the title, the works will be differentiated by adding alphabetically a lowercase letter to the year.
Some examples of the format and structure that citations should follow, please respect the same in form and punctuation.
Author, N., Author, N. and Author, N. (Year). Title in italics. Place: publisher.
Sahlins, M. (1985). Islands of History. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Gordillo, G. and Leguizamon, J. M. (2002). El río y la frontera. Movilizaciones aborígenes, obras públicas y Mercosur en el Pilcomayo. Buenos Aires: Biblos.
Book with Editor (Ed./Eds.), coordinator (Coord./Coords.), compiler (Comp./Comps.), etc.
Pitt-Rivers, J. and Peristiany, J. G. (Eds.) (1993). Honor y Gracia. Madrid: Alianza.
Blache, M. (Comp.) (1999). Folklore urbano. Vigencia de la leyenda y los relatos tradicionales. Buenos Aires: Colihue.
About the date of the works referenced: The date of the reference cited should only be that of the work/edition actually consulted. In the case of older works, the original date may be added in the bibliographical reference only when the author(s) of the work are not known in the scientific community and/or the work is not related to the thematic field dealt with in the article and the original date of creation is necessary in order to contextualize its production. In these cases, it is allowed to reference the two dates, edition consulted and original, as follows:

González Tablas, R. (1974 [1870]). Historia de la Dominación y Última Guerra de España en Santo Domingo. Santo Domingo: Sociedad Dominicana de Bibliófilos.
Chapters of books or parts of books
Author, N., Author, N. E. and Author, N. (Year). Title (in round without quotation marks). In N. Author (initial first name and last name upper/lower case). Title (in italics) (pp. xx-xx). Place: publisher. If it is by the same author, do not repeat it, start directly with the title.
Carnese, F., Caratini, A. and Goicoechea, A. (2002). Interethnic Relations in native american populations of Argentine Patagonia: A Genetic Demographc Analysis. In C. Briones and J.L. Lanata (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on the Native Peoples of Pampa, Patagonia, and Tierra del Fuego. Living on the Edg (pp. 121-134). London: Bergin and Garvey.
Online books or repositories
Donato Monge, E. (2003). Sector informal, pobreza y política social : los programas de apoyo a la microempresa en el área metropolitana de San José. San José, Costa Rica: UCR. Retrieved from http://biblioteca.clacso.edu.ar/Costa_Rica/iis-ucr/20120725121805/sectorInformal.pdf
Article in journal
Author, N., Author, N. and Author, N. (Year). Title (in round). Name of the journal and volume (in italics), pp-pp. In case the journal specifies volume and number, the volume should be placed first and then, without separation, the number in parentheses, the latter in round.
In the case of journals with volume and/or number notations in Roman numerals, these should be replaced by Arabic numerals.
Kessler, G. (2013). Algunas hipótesis sobre la extensión del sentimiento de inseguridad en América Latina. Cuadernos de Antropología Social, 37, 25-42.
Iudica, C., Parolin, M. L., Avena, S., Dejean, C. and Carnese, F. R. (2014). Las comunidades afrodescendientes de Nor Yungas, Bolivia: una aproximación a su estudio antropogenético. Runa, archivos para las ciencias del hombre, 35(2), 21-34.
Journal article with DOI
If the referenced document has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it is sufficient to transcribe this identifier. Do not put punctuation at the end of the DOI.
Koberwein, A. (2015). Escasez de agua y apropiación de la tierra en las Sierras Chicas de Córdoba, Argentina. Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 23, 139-159. doi: 10.7440/antipoda23.2015.07
Journal articles or online documents
If the article or document is retrieved from an online site you must verify that the link is not broken when submitting the article. The citation should be referenced as follows (do not put any punctuation marks at the end of the retrieval address)
Author, N., Author, N. and Author, N. (Year). Title of Article/Document. Journal, vol, pp. Retrieved from http://Dirección Electronic Access
Oseguera Parra, David; (2014). El son en Colima Indicios de la región cultural y la identidad regional. Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporáneas, 20(39) 11-40. Retrieved from http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=31631035002
Santos Zavala, J. (2016). Acción pública organizada y los procesos de gobierno a nivel local. Iztapalapa, 0(77), 135-158. Retrieved from http://revistaiztapalapa.izt.uam.mx/index.php/izt/article/view/19
Academic thesis
Last name, Initial first name (Year). Title of the thesis (in italics) (bachelor's, master's or doctoral thesis). Awarding Institution, City, Country.
Novaro, G. (2002). Nacionalismo y diversidad cultural en educación: Un análisis antropológico de los contenidos escolares (tesis de doctorado). Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In online repositories or sites
Garcia, J. A. (2011). Aprendiendo a hacer escuelas : Las complejas y dinámicas relaciones entre "Bachilleratos Populares" y Estado (tesis de maestría). Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Retrieved from http://repositorio.filo.uba.ar/handle/filodigital/1741
References of Corporate Authors
In the case of documents, books and/or articles that do not have an individual author but a corporate author, the institution will be listed as the author with its full name.
Name of the Institution (year). Title of the work (in italics). City, Country: publishing organization or publisher.

Observatorio Argentino de Drogas. (2010). Tendencias en el consumo en la población general. Buenos Aires: SEDRONAR.

Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO). (2016). Cultura, futuro, urbano. Informe mundial sobre la cultura para el desarrollo urbano sostenible. Recuperado de http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002462/246291s.pdf
Documents and other sources
References to documents and written sources such as laws, pamphlets, newspapers and weeklies that are sources of news and not the opinion of their authors and/or editors will be included in a special section under the subtitle "Other sources consulted" after the bibliographical references.
The Editorial Committee will verify, in all cases, that the articles submitted conform to the objectives and editorial guidelines of the journal, to the proposal of the issue and to the current publication rules.
The publication of papers will be subject to an external evaluation process by the Editorial Committee, guaranteeing the anonymity of authors and evaluators. Articles submitted after the deadline or those that do not comply with the guidelines established by the journal will not be considered for evaluation.
For inquiries:

Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas

Puán 470, 4º piso, ofi cina 464 y 467

C1406CQJ Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Teléfono: (54 11) 4432-0606, int. 72881.

Correo electrónico: runa.revista@gmail.com

Dossier - Artículos Originales

El Comité Editorial, puede decidir por sí mismo, por sugerencia del Comité Académico Asesor o de otros interesados, la realización de un dossier temático en alguno de sus números. Estos estarán organizados por áreas temáticas y tendrán editores ad hoc que podrán ser miembros del Equipo Editorial y/o invitados externos a la revista y/o institución.
Esta sección podrá contener una presentación, artículos invitados y artículos originales.
El envío de contribuciones a esta sección –cuando exista convocatoria– será abierto y los artículos recibidos deberán contemplar las mismas normas que para artículos originales.
El proceso de evaluación de estos artículos sigue el proceso normal para las contribuciones recibidas: una primera evaluación del comité editorial y de los editores del dossier, que verificaran si el artículos se ajusta a las normas, enfoques de la revista y al área temática del dossier, en segunda instancia serán evaluados por pares externos a la institución por sistema doble ciego.

Espacio Abierto - Artículos Originales

Esta sección es abierta y recibe artículos en español y portugués originales e inéditos que desarrollen investigaciones en el campo de la antropología biológica, antropología social, etnología, etnohistoria y folklore, buscando fortalecer el intercambio académico en el marco de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas. Los trabajos deben contemplar rigurosidad científica y ser resultado de investigaciones actuales de los autores cumpliendo los siguientes requisitos:

  • efectuar una contribución a alguno de los campos mencionados en el párrafo anterior, mostrando claramente el modo en que los problemas y los datos aportan a líneas de debates actuales de la disciplina;
  • presentar resultado originales derivados de investigaciones finalizadas o en significativo avance;
  • contener un desarrollo metodológico claro y un análisis consistente de los datos;
  • incluir una discusión sobre bibliografía relevante y actualizada;

Los artículos recibidos serán evaluados a través del sistema de referato externo doble ciego.

Book reviews

Esta sección es abierta y recibe, de acuerdo a las normas de publicación, reseñas y críticas de libros relacionados con las áreas de la revista. Se solicita tener en cuenta para el envío la elección de obras que representen un aporte importante a los campos antropológicos que publica la revista o a los debates desarrollados en ellos. Las reseñas deben ser sobre obras publicadas, como máximo, en los últimos 2 años. Queda a criterio del Comité Editorial la publicación de reseñas sobre obras más antiguas.
Las contribuciones recibidas en esta sección tendrán evaluación externa doble ciego.

Privacy Statement

The information provided in this journal, including the names and email addresses entered, will be used exclusively for the purposes set forth herein and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.