Nature and femininity in activism for respected childbirth

The place of images and visual references

  • Lía Camila Díaz Universidad Nacional de Río Negro
Keywords: Images, Respected childbirth, Femininity, Corporality, Nature


Between the years 2016 and 2018 I realized a field work with groupings from the city San Carlos de Bariloche who claim the right to respected childbirth and who denounce the so-called obstetric violence. In the course of the research, I began to recover in my analysis, in addition to the speeches and practices, the images and visual references that circulate in and from activist spaces: flyers, posters, images from fanzines and books, etc. The goal of this article is to take back this images and their content, and to put them in dialogue with the activist discourses, and subsequently, reflect on the constructions of femininity and nature in the particular case of these local organizations.


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How to Cite
Díaz, L. C. (2023). Nature and femininity in activism for respected childbirth. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 44(1), 57-71.
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