The March, the Mass and Dancing Waters: Heterogenic memories in concentrates time and spaces
In this paper, I present an ethnographic analysis about the protest-march for “March 24” on Córdoba city in 2013, on a new anniversary of last Estate strike in Argentina. That march coincided with the proclamation of Cardinal Bergoglio as Pope and with the Catholic feast of Palm Sunday. Which generated a particular confluence of celebrations and tensions. I propose some contributions to theoretical reflections about same ways of construction and circulation of collective memories link to recent past in Argentina. In particular, I account for some tension between rituals, spatiality, temporalities and memories making. I try to show how the march is a ritual that expresses and constructs a particular political community, with its homogeneity and heterogeneity, agreements and disputes. Furthermore, I try to argue about same “outside” of the march, tensions and indifference between different memories communities that converge on concentrates space and time without apparent continuity.Downloads
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