Citizens of the potrero

The gendered meanings of the public sphere in the feminist football of Villa 31

  • Martín Alvarez Litke Universidad de Buenos Aires - Instituto de Investigaciones en Estudios de Género / CONICET
Keywords: Gender, Public space, feminism, football, oikos


The objective of this work is to analyze the gendered meanings of the public sphere that are put into play when a group of women appropriates a space historically constructed as masculine: the soccer field. Based on the ethnographic fieldwork carried out together with La Nuestra Fútbol Feminista and adopting a historical-dialectical perspective of the public sphere, I examine the social relations, meanings and practices that are built around the Güemes football pitch in the Villa 31. I identify the disruptions generated by the insertion of women into this space, I analyze the narrations that are built around the conquest of the football field, and I explore the reconfigurations of the relationship between the public and the private spheres that this process entails. Finally, I show that the politicization of the oikos and the oikonization of public space can be simultaneous and mutually interdependent processes.


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How to Cite
Alvarez Litke, M. (2023). Citizens of the potrero. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 44(2), 69-84.
Dossier - Original Articles