Nuevos resultados del estudio del sitio Ajej I: un aporte a la variabilidad de estrategias de los canoeros fueguinos

  • Ernesto Luis Piana CADIC - CONICET
  • Martín Vázquez CADIC-CONICET
  • Myrian Álvarez CADIC-CONICET
Keywords: Beagle Channel, arrows, pinnipeds, behavior variability, rescue excavation


The study of the archaeological site Ajej I dated between 1300 and 1400 BP isthe result of a rescue excavation carried out in the northern coast of the BeagleChannel, an area peopled by sea littoral hunter-gatherers since the seventhmillennium BP. The analyses results pinpoint that the site is characterized by: a) alow redundant occupation; b) a selectivity of the pinnipeds as preys; c) a differentialdistribution of their anatomical parts; and d) a low diversity of activities carried withthe lithic instruments. Besides, these studies provided an early date to the presenceof bows and arrows in such an austral region. Results enable to discuss on thevariability of the strategies carried on by those sea nomads.


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Author Biographies

Ernesto Luis Piana, CADIC - CONICET
Martín Vázquez, CADIC-CONICET
Myrian Álvarez, CADIC-CONICET
How to Cite
Piana, E. L., Vázquez, M., & Álvarez, M. (1). Nuevos resultados del estudio del sitio Ajej I: un aporte a la variabilidad de estrategias de los canoeros fueguinos. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 29(1), 101-121.
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