En la conversación fluía. Arte verbal, consideraciones emic y procesos conmemorativos judíos argentinos

  • Fernando Fischman Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Social Memory, Argentine Jews, Verbal Art, Gender, Metapragmatics


This article examines the connections between the present and the pastestablished by Argentine Jews through the performance of verbal art expressionsand metapragmatic considerations about them. The work focuses specifically onhow certain expressions of the poetics of speech shape group memory. In particular,it deals with one narrative genre according to the utterers' definition and theiruse of it. Thus, the article shows the ways by means of which through the performanceof speech play in informal contexts, the narrators, Argentine born children ofJewish immigrants, establish axes of continuity and discontinuity with different pasts:one experienced by the speakers themselves or their ancestors, another onepertaining to Jewish life in Eastern Europe, and one originated in sacred texts.


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Author Biography

Fernando Fischman, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Doctor en Antropología
How to Cite
Fischman, F. (1). En la conversación fluía. Arte verbal, consideraciones emic y procesos conmemorativos judíos argentinos. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 29(1), 123-138. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v29i1.1202
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