Ethnographical and bioanthropological study of the Cerro Grande site (1938-1939 Rex Gonzalez´S Excavation, Paraná Pavón - Entre Ríos)
In this work we are interested in addressing the study of the indigenous ancestors and the associated materials that are kept in the Patrimonial Reserve of the Museum of Anthropology (FFyH-UNC) and that were recovered in the archaeological site called Cerro Grande, excavated by Alberto Rex González between 1938-1939, in Paraná Pavón, Entre Ríos. They were patrimonialized in 1962, when González served as director of the Institute of Archeology (FFyH-UNC). Within the framework of the legislation surrounding historical reparations for indigenous peoples, we promote this research that seeks to reconstruct and study the ancestors and materialities from an ethnographic, bioanthropological and museological perspective. This research was carried out in the context of an unprecedented global situation, marked by the pandemic generated by COVID-19, which imposed new ways of working in the anthropological field, on which we want to reflect.Downloads
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