El paisaje interpretado como memoria: patrimonio destruido en la pampa austral. Una propuesta y proyecto. Interpretación para la gestión de recursos culturales

  • Martín Lopo CIHaM- FADU
Keywords: destroyed heritage, (cultural) landscape, stories, memory, authority


The struggle for the material and symbolic capital appropriation often arises, —and in this territory in a very particular way-, in its political·demographic dynamics, it crosses the construction of imaginaries and stories about it and its landscapes, and finally —obviously—, emerges at the moment of generating contents towards the handling, diffusion and development of cultural resources. To organize a local project with a narrative commitment that balances the pre-eminence of official history and resignifies the presence of the nature as silencer to culture demands the generation of devices that could allow this critic plurisignificant meanings on cultural heritage to appear and above all that allows the re-insertion of all that disappeared, as memory and as landmark. To find and to position destroyed heritage on the "War to the Indian" scenarios implies to reflect on identity and memory construction processes, and at the same time on heritage management practices in which we are implied actors.


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Author Biography

Martín Lopo, CIHaM- FADU
Arquitecto, con Orientación en Forma y Significado, y Tesista en la Lic. cn Ciencias Antropológicas, FFyL UBA. con Orientación en Ant. Urbana. investigador CIHaM- FADU UBA.
How to Cite
Lopo, M. (2006). El paisaje interpretado como memoria: patrimonio destruido en la pampa austral. Una propuesta y proyecto. Interpretación para la gestión de recursos culturales. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 26(1), 27-48. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v26i1.1237
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