El “patrimonio” y la “memoria” barrial. Relaciones de hegemonía y subalternidad en el barrio porteño de San Telmo

  • Ana Gretel Thomasz UBA-CONICET.
Keywords: Heritage, Memory, Identity, hegemony/subalternity, Territory


In this article we propose to analyze topics related to heritage and "memory" appliyng the category of hegemony. We remark the political character of the heritage and discuss the relationships among the concepts of heritage, memory and identity. Taking the case of San Telmo district, we contrast one official process of heritage construction with certain processes of San Telmo’s memories construction developed by local civil associations, considering the heritage as an "hegemonic memory" and the second processes as "subaltern" memories. We also remark the way in which the distinct memories have a transcription in differential uses and appropriations of San Telmo’s territory.


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Author Biography

Ana Gretel Thomasz, UBA-CONICET.
Licenciada en Cicncias Antropológicas. UBA-CONICET.
How to Cite
Thomasz, A. G. (2006). El “patrimonio” y la “memoria” barrial. Relaciones de hegemonía y subalternidad en el barrio porteño de San Telmo. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 26(1), 49-72. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v26i1.1238
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