Los niños "grandes hombres": un estudio de caso en la esucela primaria de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

  • Silvia Medrano Universidad de la Matanza
Keywords: School, masculinity, ethnicity, socialization, violence


This paper is based on two types of data: group discussions and individual in depth interviews with pupils and teachers in a public school in Buenos Aires. Participant observation was another source of data to complete them, as well. My core interest is understanding what boys say about themselves and their experiences from their own point of view.. My research tries to address an important number of issues for contemporary masculine identities. I have been able to construct a typology of masculinities in that public school. Different types of masculinities are related to different processes in the construction of boys’ subjectivity. These processes underline the importance of first socialization about gender models that boys bring to school, as well as the influence of class and ethnicity differences that exists within the school as a microsociety.


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Author Biography

Silvia Medrano, Universidad de la Matanza
Mg. en Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO. Argentina. Universidad de la Matanza
How to Cite
Medrano, S. (2006). Los niños "grandes hombres": un estudio de caso en la esucela primaria de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 26(1), 117-146. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v26i1.1243
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