The a priori of the indigenous community and its future orientation in two towns of Oaxaca, Mexico

Keywords: Anthropologies of the future, Indigenous community, morphology, a priori of the action, Oaxaca


The intention of this paper is to contribute to the debate opened by the anthropologies of the future and their assumption that the configuration of contemporary social and cultural dynamics can be causally designed from a future orientation. I take up the thesis to consider whether this approach can be applied to the indigenous community, knowing that this is the materialization of tradition and custom. Using some ethnographic examples from two indigenous communities in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, I sketch interpretative lines where I reconcile historical heritage, morphology and community, with orientations, social action and future. I start from the hypothesis that the common acts as an a priori of the action of subjects that orient, with their practices, the community towards possible futures.


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Author Biography

Nicolás Olivos Santoyo, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, México.
Profesor investigador de la Academia de Ciencias Sociales (Antropología Social y Sociología)-UACM. Antropólogo social por la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH), maestro en filosofía por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa y doctor en ciencias antropológicas por la misma institución (UAM-I).


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How to Cite
Olivos Santoyo, N. (2024). The a priori of the indigenous community and its future orientation in two towns of Oaxaca, Mexico . RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 45(1), 99-116.