The conflict and the community in the unpopulated andes

The case of the Pueblo de Parinacota, northern Chile

Keywords: Conflict, Local development, Ownership of indigenous land, Andean family, Northern Chile


In this article, we present a description of how conflicts over the management of community property in the indigenous territories of northern Chile. Based on a case study of the Pueblo de Parinacota, an Aymara settlement located in the highlands of the Arica, we contrast primary and secondary information recorded in the network of community members settled in the local territory and the city of Arica through a multi-situated ethnography. As a result, from the description of two public-private investment milestones in the territory, such as the Church and the Maracanã Stadium, we explore the visions, discursivities, and practices that account for how the Indigenous community and external agents (public, private, and civil society) have interacted around the mitigation of local depopulation.


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How to Cite
Cerna, C., & Alfaro Alfaro, M. A. (2025). The conflict and the community in the unpopulated andes. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 46(1), 283-306.