Los "nuevos espacios modernos" en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. El regreso de los “refugios tradicionales privados" (el pueblo, la comunidad, la cultura, el barrio, la familia) y el lugar del antropólogo

  • Mónica Lacarrieu CONICET / Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas (Sección Antropología Social). FFyL. UBA.


In this study I intend to analize - in the context of a series of processes of urban transformations that have been taking place in Buenos Aires since the 90s- the problems conceming the "new modem spaces", namely, the different private urbanizations. This new type of urbanizations, which specialists relate mainly to the arrival of the global city, are mostly located in the northem area of Gran Buenos Aires, with an increasing influence on other areas such as La Plata , Ezeiza , among others.In this article I will focus on one of its aspects: the incidence of the spatial-temporal dimensions in the constitution of this urban phenomenon.This choice is, by no means, arbit1·ary, as both methodology and theoretical problems converge in these dimensions.On the one hand , this will enable us to think about the space-time relation in this urban phenomenon, which is deeply connected to specific processes inherent in the context of globalization, where we wimess the compression of space by the effect of time. On the other, we will be able to explore and disclose issues connected to the urban anthropological field work, namely, the subject-researcher relation with respect to the social constitution of these dimensions and its incidence in the reduction of this "field", taking into account that this type of urbanization is shaped between the "city in the highway" and the "garden-city".


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Author Biography

Mónica Lacarrieu, CONICET / Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas (Sección Antropología Social). FFyL. UBA.
Investigadora Independiente, CONICET. Profesora UBA. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas (Sección Antropología Social). FFyL. UBA.
How to Cite
Lacarrieu, M. (1). Los "nuevos espacios modernos" en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. El regreso de los “refugios tradicionales privados" (el pueblo, la comunidad, la cultura, el barrio, la familia) y el lugar del antropólogo. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 23(1), 197-238. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v23i1.1303