Redistributive transactions and political patronage in the parliamentary bureaucracy missionary

  • Laura Andrea Ebenau Facultad de Humanidades y Cs. Sociales Universidad Nacional de Misiones (UNaM) / CONICET
Keywords: Redistributive Transactions, Political Patronage, Bureaucratic Field, Camera of Representatives, Misiones


In the present article, we analyse the relation between the redistributive transactions, that define the mechanisms of allocation of resources, and the problem of the production and reproduction of patronage relations, in a particular field inside what Bourdieu (1997) delimited like “bureaucratic field”. Precisely, I stand in the Camera of Representatives of Misiones to explore two appearances of the problem: the first, refered to the formal allocation of resources and the informal mechanisms of allocation in which take part the agents. To consider afterwards, the form in that said mechanisms contribute to the maintenance of patronage relations.The ethnographic characterization of these relations carried us to include a poorly explored dimension in the studies on political patronage: the offer of work in the transactions framed in the patronage structures.


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Author Biography

Laura Andrea Ebenau, Facultad de Humanidades y Cs. Sociales Universidad Nacional de Misiones (UNaM) / CONICET
Licenciada en Historia. Alumna del Programa de Postgrado en Antropología Social, Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Investigadora Inicial de la Secretaría de Investigación y Postgrados, Facultad de Humanidades y Cs. Sociales UNaM. Becaria del CONICET.
How to Cite
Ebenau, L. A. (2012). Redistributive transactions and political patronage in the parliamentary bureaucracy missionary. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 33(1), 33-51.
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