Contributions of feminist anthropology to the local debate on prostitution

  • Deborah Daich CONICET /UBA
Keywords: Prostitution, Feminism, Models of Regulation, Genealogy, Sex market


In local public arena discussions on the possible ways of regulating the sex market, in particular prostitution, as well as when weighing the effects of the anti-trafficking campaign in terms of sex workers’ rights violation, it seems that different points of view are, in the best of cases, not properly informed, while in others they simply border on intellectual dishonesty. Thus, this work aims to recover the feminist genealogies that explain the different positions regarding the sex market and that also provide some important reading keys when dealing with the different legal models of regulation of prostitution.


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How to Cite
Daich, D. (2018). Contributions of feminist anthropology to the local debate on prostitution. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 39(1).
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