“A rock shelter in memory”

Narratives of the past in archaeological tourism of Cerro Colorado, north of Córdoba

  • Esteban Ezequiel Gilardenghi CONICET, CITCA Catamarca
  • Luis Esteban Tissera
  • Sebastián Pastor
Keywords: Temporality, Past, Present, Speech, Social agents


An analysis is made of the way in which the discourse on the past is constructed, based on the creation and use of a temporality that restricts the use of certain “elements”, but allows and promotes the management of others and their incorporation into practice daily life of the inhabitants of Cerro Colorado, were they intermingle with historically sedimented body and narrative experiences. The different actors involved in this narrative process include state agents, neighbors of the village, tour guides and, finally, the archaeologists who work in the area. We conclude that the discourse of the past incorporated into the present, builds a “exclusive” and biased temporality, which exposes particularly suggestive characteristics, related to the advertising of the village as a regional tourist focus.


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How to Cite
Gilardenghi, E. E., Tissera, L. E., & Pastor, S. (2021). “A rock shelter in memory” . RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 42(2), 63-82. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v42i2.7653
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