Nobodies? with nobody? Mapuche?

Dissents and mobilizations against racism from the peripheral neighborhoods to the center of Viedma

  • Paula Cecchi Universidad Nacional de Río Negro - Centro de Investigaciones sobre Derechos Inclusión y Sociedad (CIEDIS), Viedma, Argentina Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Keywords: racism, Mapuche, racialization, dissent, Popular neighborhoods


Based on interviews and ethnographic records of protests that displaced through the city of Viedma (Río Negro province) from the popular neighborhoods to the center, this work analyzes how racism impacts on the daily lives of these people –particularly among the Mapuche collectives– and, in turn, how they confront hegemonic narratives and convey their strategies of resistance and strengthening. While hegemonic discourses reproduce racism and naturalize historical conditioning, the discourses produced by Mapuche collectives criticize these effects and propose a dissident reading of the racialization processes, through which they question the role of the State and reflect on a shared, silenced, history from which they seek to rebuild their ties as Mapuche people.


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How to Cite
Cecchi, P. (2021). Nobodies? with nobody? Mapuche?. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 42(2), 245-260.
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