From the doctrine of national security to democratic security

Anthropological contributions to a difficult transition

  • Horacio Roberto Sabarots NuRES. FACSO. UNICEN. Olavarría, Universidad de Buenos Aires CABA
Keywords: Public Policies, Transition, Democratic Security, Community Participation


This paper seeks to reflect, within the framework of the democratic turn of the 80s in the region that also included Human Sciences and Anthropology in particular, on the emergence and becoming of an unthinkable topic at the beginning of my career in the Museum of Natural Sciences of the City of La Plata: public security policies addressed from an anthropological perspective. As a specific area of this great theme, own research papers on the crossing of security-insecurity with a dimension strongly invoked in democracy will be presented: community participation. It also attempts to articulate it with other anthropological contributions to the understanding of this problem that marked the recent Argentine history since the democratic recovery, and that made possible an unpublished public presence of Anthropology, especially thanks to the work of the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team.


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Author Biography

Horacio Roberto Sabarots, NuRES. FACSO. UNICEN. Olavarría, Universidad de Buenos Aires CABA
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Proyectos de investigación UBACyT 2018 MOD I, Código 20020170100025BA, Argentina, CABA. Título: “La continuidad de las políticas públicas designadas en términos de inclusión y participación, rupturas y reelaboraciones en el nuevo contexto político nacional. Aportes desde una mirada antropológica”.
How to Cite
Sabarots, H. R. (2020). From the doctrine of national security to democratic security. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 41(2).