Pichikeche withind Mapuche land recovering

The lofche Buenuleo's case

  • Malena Pell Richards IIDyPCa (UNRN-CONICET)
Keywords: Mapuche Childhood, Land recovering, care


During the month of september, 2019, the Buenuleo Mapuche Community, near the city of San Carlos de Bariloche (Río Negro, Argentina) undertook a process to recover their ancestral land. This community is characterized by their great presence of children (pichikeche), whom became witness of the violences suffered and committed to their land and their bodies, in order to make the community leave the place. This work main objective is to approach different care practices regarding the children and the actions that were thought from different places they take part on and do not belong to state institutions. At the same time, give an account the no-action that the state institution take, taking in consideration that these children are participating in a mapuche land and knowledge (mapuche kimün) recovering process.  


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How to Cite
Pell Richards, M. (2021). Pichikeche withind Mapuche land recovering . RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 42(2), 315-330. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v42i2.8394
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