Runa. A (quite) authorized biography

  • Rosana Guber CIS-IDES/CONICET
Keywords: Scientific journals, Argentina, Anthropology, Scientific Policy, Auto-biography of objects


Born in 1948 , the anthropological magazine of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires attests to the dynamic and sometimes turbulent making of anthropology in Argentina, its commitments, attacks and survivals in interlocution with other disciplines of the Humanities, the Natural Sciences and the Social Sciences, with the federal historical-political process, of which the City of Buenos Aires was its utmost scenario, and with the editorial world of academic journals. From its role as house organ of the Anthropology Institute, Runa became an open magazine to different institutions and joined the market of scientific and indexed journals. This paper presents how Runa managed to synthesize these different axes--development of the anthropological field, of academic journals and of university politics--and how it managed to survive, from its own point of view.


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How to Cite
Guber, R. (2022). Runa. A (quite) authorized biography. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 43(3), 43-81.
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