To Fund, to Govern and to Pray. An Aproximation to the Links Between Society, Politics and Religion in Colonial Jujuy (1656-1776)

  • Dolores Estruch Carrera de Ciencias Antropológicas, UBA. Sección Etnohistoria
Keywords: Power, Religion, Colonial Jujuy, Politics, Society


This article analyzes the links between religion, politics and colonial society, and explores the nature of these relations in the concrete practices of the members of the Santísimo Sacramento brotherhood of colonial Jujuy. We focus on the process of construction and legitimation of power, from a perspective that takes into account the interconnections between the sociopolitical and religious dimensions.


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Author Biography

Dolores Estruch, Carrera de Ciencias Antropológicas, UBA. Sección Etnohistoria
Licenciada en Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. UBA. Ayudante de primera interina de la materia "Sistemas Socioculturales de América II". Carrera de Ciencias Antropológicas, UBA. Sección Etnohistoria.
How to Cite
Estruch, D. (2009). To Fund, to Govern and to Pray. An Aproximation to the Links Between Society, Politics and Religion in Colonial Jujuy (1656-1776). RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 30(1), 45-60.
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