Violence, security and methodological dilemmas

A sociological look at the experience at Club Atlético Belgrano in Córdoba, Argentina

  • Valeria Plaza Schaefer CIECS CONICET/ Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Nicolas Cabrera
Keywords: Security, Violence, Football, Preventive policies, Police


In this paper we propose to analice from a sociological point of view a research and an intervention process aimed at diagnosing, quantifying, interpreting, training and raising awareness about violence in soccer in the community of Club Atlético Belgrano de Córdoba. This is an experience that derived in the project "Programa integral contra la violencia: para que Alberdi siempre sea una fiesta" born from the agreement signed between the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UNC, the College of Psychologists of Córdoba and the club in question. Two objectives underlie the proposal of our text: on the one hand, to problematize the dilemmas and methodological challenges that have arisen in the production of data linked to sports security in football contexts; and, on the other hand, to discuss the hegemonic model of security that prevails in Argentine stadiums while narrating an alternative and specific project of security management both among the club's community and in articulation with central external actors such as the police.


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How to Cite
Plaza Schaefer, V., & Cabrera, N. (2021). Violence, security and methodological dilemmas . RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 42(1), 83-102.