“Hanging the drum”

An ethnographic analysis of generational experiences around the practice of Afro-Uruguayan candombe in Paraná and Rosario (Argentina)

  • julia broguet unr-conicet
Keywords: Afro-Uruguayan candombe - generational experiences - Paraná - Rosario


This dissertation is part of a more extensive PhD research (already concluded) (Autor, 2019). On this occasion we recapture and intensify the dimensions of our ethnography on Afro-Uruguayan candombe in Rosario and Paraná, referring to the objectification, by practitioners, of different generational experiences concerning to all age groups that preceded through the time. Those dimensions are linked to a particular way of doing and experiencing the realization of Afro-Uruguayan candombe that cross different axes (politics, art, identity), which involve different interpretations about relationships (historical, conflictive, continuity) among recent past and colonial past.


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How to Cite
broguet, julia. (2022). “Hanging the drum”. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 43(2), 343-360. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v43i2.8738
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