Pasar: sistematización semántica y análisis de las extensiones distantes

  • Santiago Flores Sigg
Keywords: cognitive grammar, domain, movement verbs, trajectory, goal


One of the fundamental issues of semantics is polysemy, a topic that has been approached from different positions over the years (Bolinger 1965, Kempson 1977, Pottier 1977). However, one of the most interesting positions that addresses this issue is that of cognitive semantics (Lakoff 1987, Langacker 1991), since it proposes that the different meanings of a word are not given in a random way, but that there is a conceptual basis from which they start by losing and gaining semantic traits through the mechanisms of metaphor and metonymy. This work presents an analysis of the verb PASAR, one of the movement verbs in Spanish with the greatest number of meanings (Morero 2007). Based on the principles of cognitive semantics, the analysis shows that the broad polysemy of the verb PASAR does not occur in a random way, but rather responds to a categorial systematicity. 


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How to Cite
Flores Sigg, S. (1). Pasar: sistematización semántica y análisis de las extensiones distantes. Signo & Seña, (31), 43-53.