On the pluralization (-n) of adverbs in Spanish: the case of siempren

  • Enrique Pato Universidad de Montreal
Keywords: spanish, variation, adverb, pluralization, siempren


This paper focuses on describing and analyzing a specific case of adverbial pluralization (in -n) in current Spanish (siempre > siempren). After summarizing the values ​​of the form siempre (‘always’), new data on this phenomenon of microvariation is presented to better understand its geographical distribution in the Spanish-speaking world and the tenses with which it usually appears. The following is a series of theoretical considerations that show that the phenomenon is also documented in Galician and Catalan (sempren), that this agreement can be understood as another example of the relationship between a controller and a target, but also that two forms can receive their traits from the same source in the cognitive structure, that it would be a postsyntactic process, and that this is one of the processes of sequencing and selection of elements within the discourse order. Keywords: spanish, variation, adverb, pluralization, siempren


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How to Cite
Pato, E. (2021). On the pluralization (-n) of adverbs in Spanish: the case of siempren. Signo & Seña, (37), 55-70. https://doi.org/10.34096/sys.n37.7987