La Teaching Spanish at the Ebell Women’s Club in Los Angeles: the work of Aurelia Bórquez (1914-1917)

  • M.ª Ángeles García Aranda Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Spanish as a foreign language, United States, Aurelia Bórquez, 20th century


This paper deals with the didactic method created by the Mexican Aurelia Bórquez to teach her students from the Spanish Ebell Women’s Club. After reviewing his life circumstances, is presented, the natural and direct system, based on prayers, stories and legends that he devised and put into practice in the first years of the last century, which represents a contribution to the history of the teaching of the Spanish as a foreign language in a time, in a country, in an institution and by an author still little known.


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How to Cite
García Aranda, M. Ángeles. (2021). La Teaching Spanish at the Ebell Women’s Club in Los Angeles: the work of Aurelia Bórquez (1914-1917). Signo & Seña, (38).