telondefondo. Revista de Teoría y Crítica Teatral, ISSN N° 1669-6301, is an electronic publication published every six months (July and December), with free consultation, within the framework of the Institute of History of Argentine and Latin American Art “Luis Ordaz”, from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires.

The magazine, dedicated to a spectrum of interested readers, scholars and/or specialists in theatrical issues, aspires to be a space for dialogue and exchange about the multiple critical and metacritical perspectives of the current scene. It presents original and unpublished works that are submitted to the arbitration of an Advisory Board made up of recognized national and international specialists. The evaluative criteria that the magazine adopts are essayistic freedom, academic rigor and the originality of the ideas that the works contribute to pluralistic reflection and discussion on the thematic problems and approaches.

Contributions of the following types will be published: essays, show reviews, interviews, debates, book reviews, translations, publications received and editorial notes.

Peer review process

The articles and notes will be evaluated by external reviewers selected by the Editorial Committee following the guidelines of the double-blind arbitration system, which keeps the identity of the author and the reviewers confidential during the evaluation process, to guarantee the quality of the contents. The Editorial Committee makes a first review of the originals to ensure proper compliance with the journal's publishing standards and the quality of the content. After this stage, the articles and notes are sent to external referees to assess whether they make an original contribution to the thematic areas of the publication. Their opinion must be based on criteria of relevance and academic originality established by the journal.  The reviewers, according to their evaluation, must select a decision among those defined by the evaluation guide of the journal:

- Approve without modifications: The submission meets the requirements and meets the requirements of the journal (originality, timeliness, being correctly written, being the result of research, containing a clear methodological development and a consistent analysis of the data, discussion with updated bibliography ). If there is a coincidence between the opinions, the Writing Assistant will inform the decision through an email and send the opinions. The article then goes to the stage of proofreading and editing.

- Approve with modifications: The article is within the parameters established by the journal but the evaluators require that either minor modifications of style and orthotypographical corrections be made, or major modifications of content, structure, writing and incorporation of bibliography. The Writing Assistant will send the opinions with the suggestions of the reviewers and the author will have a period of 30 (thirty) days to make the suggested modifications. Once the modified article is uploaded back to the system, the Editorial Committee will review it and decide to publish or reject the article.

- Reject: The evaluator considers that the article has important shortcomings and does not meet the minimum requirements to be published in the journal according to its rules. If the reviewers' evaluation coincides in not accepting the publication of the article, the Writing Assistant will inform the decision through an email and send the opinions.

Access and reuse policies

telondefondo publishes all its content in open access and without embargo period.

The content of this magazine is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License that authorizes the copy, use, dissemination and transformation of the published content provided that 1) the authorship and the original source of its publication are cited (magazine, publisher and URL of the work) and 2) your contribution is distributed under the same license as the original.

Self-archive policy

This journal allows the deposit in repositories, institutional pages or others, of all versions of the article.

Code of ethics

telondefondo follows ethical principles that govern internationally throughout its editorial process. In this sense, it adheres to the principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). See more at:

telondefondo seeks to guarantee that all published scientific works are original and unpublished and have not been previously published in another format, whether in whole or in part. Plagiarism control will be carried out by the editorial committee before the peer review begins, through various plagiarism detection programs (PlagScan and Plagiarism Checker by Grammarly, among others).